Art of Chi - Shiatsu

The Art of Chi (group course)

Patrick next to the Morat/Murten Gate in Fribourg
Group 127 at La Rouvraie during the Easter 2019 course
Beginner group at La Rouvraie during the Easter 2019 course

Through the Art of Chi, I impart to a group of practitioners, whether beginners or advanced, techniques from Tai Ji Quan and Qi Gong.

Shiatsu (individual therapy)

start of a shiatsu session, hands on Hara

My practice involves exerting pressure on specific areas of the body, applied through clothing. Shiatsu also includes a wide variety of very gentle joint mobilizations.

Last modified date 15-11-2021

Art du Chi -
Patrick Bochud
Cabinet Latitude
Rue de Locarno 9
1700 Fribourg
079 562 44 34
Email / Site web